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Frequently Asked Questions

There are a number of drainage options for both inside and outside of the building for bathrooms driveways, gardens, thresholds, balconies etc. Materials vary from, plastic, polymer concrete to steel depending on the application.

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For residential projects, both plastic and polymer concrete bodies are both acceptable for use. However polymer concrete is far more durable over the long term and provides stronger and stiffer channels suitable for constant car traffic. Additionally, plastic bodies are flexible and can bend inwards squeezing the grate as a result of compacted earth fill/concrete. This can make grate removal/replacement difficult.

Polymer concrete is best suited for concrete pavements. For building applications e.g. balconies, door tracks, showers, stainless steel is the best material as it can be cleaned easily and is aesthetically more pleasing.

For more info, click here

A residential drain is generally designed and manufactured for homes, small offices and gardens. Commercial drains are built for urban, commercial or industrial applications. Consequently, they are load rated, lockable and grates need to meet key public criteria for pedestrian safety e.g. heel safety.

Unlike residential drains, commercial drains generally need to be sloped and satisfy key hydraulic criteria.

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Trench drains need to be sized according to the rainfall intensity of the local region and the catchment area. ACO can help you size a trench drain.

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This depends on local factors – Is it a leafy area? Is it close to a garden bed? What are the consequences of blockage – is it protecting a garage entry?

A blocked trench drain serves no one. Drains must be cleaned if they are to work. ACO offers drainage baskets with its commercial trench drains.

For more info, click here

Depending on the pavement type and anticipated traffic, drains need to be encased in the ground.

ACO installation instructions are found here

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